Dissolved Air Flotation - DAF
Waste Water Treatment Systems

The DAF process consists of super saturation of discharge water from the effluent end of the DAF tank with air. The super saturated water stream is then mixed with the wastestream. As pressure is removed from the saturated stream millions of microscopic bubbles form and attach themselves to the contaminants in the wastewater, thereby changing their buoyancy and floating them to the water surface where they can be skimmed and removed from the water.
The DAF design incorporates today's 'state of the art' technology in DAF design. This design simplifies the DAF process, requires less startup time, less capital cost, instrumentation, labor and maintenance. The design is process friendly, providing virtually instant saturation upon system startup without equalization and complex startup procedures. Higher air transfer efficiencies are also realized due to higher saturation pressures with 12% @ 93% entrainment. We can provide both styles of DAF design depending on application and customer preferences.
Chemical pretreatment often improves DAF solids removal efficiencies. The use of chemical flocculants with DAF is based on system efficiency, application (use of DAF) contaminant characteristics and cost. Commonly used chemicals include trivalent metallic salts of iron, such as FeC12 or FeSO4 or aluminum, such as AISO4. Organic and inorganic polymers (cationic or anionic) are often used to enhance the flotation process. The most commonly used inorganic polymers are the polyacrylamides.
Chemical pretreatment often improves DAF solids removal efficiencies. The use of chemical flocculants with DAF is based on system efficiency, application (use of DAF) contaminant characteristics and cost. Commonly used chemicals include trivalent metallic salts of iron, such as FeC12 or FeSO4 or aluminum, such as AISO4. Organic and inorganic polymers (cationic or anionic) are often used to enhance the flotation process. The most commonly used inorganic polymers are the polyacrylamides.
SkimOIL, LLC / 1891 Georgetown Rd. / Hudson, Ohio 44236 / USA (P) +1 (314) 579.9755 / (F) +1 (314) 558.9253 [email protected] / www.skimoil.com Copyright © 1995-2023 All Rights Reserved / SkimOIL®, LLC Trademark Reg # 6,650,926 Oil Skimming, Oil Water Separation Equipment, Oil Detection & Consulting ALL MADE IN THE USA |
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